Maximize Your Potential
No Post Spray
Maximize Your Potential
No Post Spray
No Post Spray
No Post Spray
PLANTRITE TM is a program that determines the optimal plant density and herbicide program to achieve the most profitable planting program in row crops, such as indeterminate medium bush soybean plants. Each planted row spacing has a unique optimum plant population that is determined by the program.
Selecting the optimal planting density for your row crops with PLANTRITE TM can increase yields, reduce input costs, and promote soil health for success.
Maximize your profits and increase your crop yields with precision planting and correct herbicide usage through PLANTRITE TM PLANTING SYSTEMS
Achieve maximum yields and reducing input costs through precision planting and herbicide usage, eliminating the need for post-herbicide applications.
The historical row spacings of planted 30”, 15”, and drilled 7.5” have produced varying yields in different seasons due to factors such as length of growing season, temperature, rainfall, and sunlight.
The precision planting technology available today allows producers to increase their average yields by using PLANTRITE TM Planting Systems to achieve the most efficient planting density and maximize profits through combining precision planting with appropriate herbicide usage.
The medium bush soybean plant density is limited by sunlight reception before root system area. Most row crops planted today exhibit similar responses to a range of planting densities, where yield per plant decreases as planting density increases but overall yield increases to a maximum yield vs plant density.
PLANTRITE TM Planting Systems can help achieve the maximal yield for a given planting density and calculate the correct density that determines the maximum return on investment given the current input costs. For most row crops, there is an optimum plant population for each row spacing that maximizes the average yield.
Planted narrow row soybeans have a higher yield potential than wide row spacings, with the expected yield increase varying with geographic location and length of growing season. The use of the most effective plant populations over planted wide row spacings can increase yield potential to above 30% in certain growing seasons.
The correct planting densities, when combined with appropriate herbicides, can eliminate the need for post-herbicide applications, reducing input costs. Additionally, planting at optimum yield densities can reduce time to reach R1, erosion, evaporation, weed pressure, and increase soil health by increasing organic matter.
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